We welcome your ideas for community prayer and will continue to add new resources to this page. In your own words or using the resources below, we invite you to lift up the needs of those harmed and pray for atonement for the sins associated with the sexual abuse in our church.


Please remember these requests in your prayers.

For physical healing and mental health, and lifting up a friend in need. – a caring person

Our son as he navigates the healing process from sexual abuse in his teens. That he may know that he is loved and it was not his fault. – a family member

For physical healing and mental health needs. For a fresh start. – a caring person

For my grandson, for freedom from self-harm as a way of dealing with the death of his parents. For healing for all of our family. – Catherine

For a new housing situation – a survivor

For the return of things, pets, people that bring comfort to others.

For courage to continue to heal.


You are invited to let the Journey to Bethany community know how we can pray for you. Your information is kept confidential and requests are published here.
Prayer Request

A Rosary for Healing & Protection

This Rosary was written to ask for support in the efforts to keep all children are safe from sexual abuse and provide assistance to survivors who are on the path to healing. Praying this Rosary will lift their needs in prayer, off­ering them to God through Mary who off­ers her loving protection.

Published by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops Office of Child and Youth Protection


The Stations of the Cross in Atonement for Abuse and for the Healing of All

These Stations of the Cross were written to accompany members of the Church in atonement for the sins associated with sexual abuse of our children and with our yearning for healing. It brings lay persons, survivors, and clergy together in a powerful recollection of Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection.

Published by Rev. Paul Turner, Director, Office of Divine Worship, Diocese of Kansas City – St. Joseph

DOWNLOAD  |  a booklet form which includes illustrations by Ronald Patrick Raab, CSC, can be ordered from Liturgical Press.

A Prayer for Healing (bilingual)

A Prayer for Healing is prayed throughout the U.S. asking for survivors to be comforted and made whole. It petitions humility, grace and wisdom for all those acting to bring healing and justice.

Published by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops Office of Child and Youth Protection