Survivor Gathering

photo credit: thanuj-mathew-unsplash
Inspired by victims and survivors, Journey to Bethany has established a monthly gathering. This is a safe, welcoming space where survivors can connect with those who share similar experiences. At each gathering we present an activity and tools to help foster peace, hope and healing. You are welcome on any third Tuesday and can invite a support person to join you if needed. You may share or contribute as much or as little as is comfortable for you.
Journey to Bethany Survivor Gathering
Monthly beginning February 20 then third Tuesdays through June
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Waldo Library, 201 E 75th St, Kansas City, MO 64114
If you have questions please email us or call Jennifer Prusa at 816-683-8999.
We kindly request that you use the REGISTER button to the right to let us know if you will be attending the survivor gathering for the first time. This helps to provide a safe environment for everyone and assists in our preparation.