Prayer Service – Pray with and for Survivors
Planned and presented by our Survivor Advisory Committee
July 29, 2024 | The Memorial of Saints Mary, Martha and Lazarus
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Saint Francis Xavier Parish, 1001 E 52nd St, Kansas City, MO 64110
You are invited to pray with and for survivors at a service planned by our survivor advisory group on the Memorial of Saints Mary, Martha and Lazarus who were Jesus’ support system in Bethany. Our name is inspired by the stories of Jesus in Bethany where he found deep renewal through friendships. Here he called Lazarus from a tomb and asked those present to free him from his burial cloth. Bethany inspires our accompaniment model that empowers the Body of Christ to serve and care for survivors just as Jesus’ friends cared for one another.
Refreshments and fellowship to follow. We thank Saint Francis Xavier Parish for hosting this service.