Artwork generously provided by a Journey to Bethany participant.
Although I have not worked directly with the Journey to Bethany team in walking with individuals who have been sexually abused by clergy in the Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese, I have participated in numerous workshops, presented by the Journey to Bethany team, specifically dealing with Trauma-Informed Care and Response. These workshops have provided valuable information, time for reflection, and sharing with other people from across our diocese who, through their ministries assist individuals who have experienced trauma in their lives.
At my parish I work with many individuals, accompanying them on their faith journey and providing guidance through spiritual direction. I also facilitate training of Protecting God’s Children for adults and assist catechists prepare, and at times provide, instruction to our children and young people using the Circle of Grace program. Both training programs are designed to provide information and support for individuals with the goal of recognizing grooming, the signs of, and preventing sexual abuse of minors. In each of my ministries and/or trainings, it is not uncommon for an individual to disclose information related to traumatic events in his/her life. The Journey to Bethany team members and the workshops have provided me with an understanding of trauma, and tools for walking with individuals who disclose trauma which has effected or continues to affect their lives. As a survivor of child sexual abuse, not by member of the clergy but by an individual trusted and welcomed into our family, who was a practicing Catholic that professed the importance of his faith, working with the Journey to Bethany team has helped in dealing with my personal trauma and healing, even though the events occurred many years ago, and the perpetrator died more than sixteen years ago. My training with the Journey to Bethany team has been and continues to be invaluable in my ministries and in dealing with my personal trauma as well as that of my eldest grandson who was sexually molested by a group of his peers. This team is a blessing and asset to our diocese.
From a Journey to Bethany Workshop Participant and Volunteer